Thursday, February 26, 2009

Drake Interview With Tracy Garraud

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Drake is doing it. reported that between Thursday February 12 and Friday February 13, 2,541 comments were added to Drakes bloggy blog. Tracy Garraud sat down with Drake to tap into the mind behind the madness.

on pursuing a rap career:
I was friends with this kid that would put you on the spot all the time. I guess he read my rhyme books at my house and one day he just put me on blast at school. He told this kid I wanted to battle him and it became this big thing. So I went home and wrote all these rhymes for him—yeah, I cheated—came to school the next day and killed the guy. From there I just started getting into rapping and becoming comfortable with myself.

on the purpose of So Far Gone: I don’t want to tell people, “Oh I’m just so weird and you all have to love it.” It’s not like that. I’m a simple guy and I just have a vivid mind that I want to share. I don’t even want it to feel like left-field or right-field. It’s about how I feel in the moment and So Far Gone was when I was at a very unsure, confused state. It’s not to say that the album won’t have those components. I have a sound that I’m known for now. The mixtape is very slow and very dark. My album is going to be maybe a little happier [laughs]. Then the second go around if something crazy happens in my life, I might feel a totally different way. But right now I feel great. And I want to make an album that reflects that.

on his ex girlfriend and family: My ex asked me for a public apology the other day. She really genuinely asked me straight up to come on YouTube and tape an apology. As far as my family goes, it may not be the best thing in the world to hear, but at the same time they respect me for it. They know it’s my outlet.

on the ultimate goal: I’m a realist so it’s not like I’m thinking my debut is going sell a million copies in a week. It’s my first album, I just want people to appreciate it. One of my goals is to win a Best New Artist Grammy and I’d also love to finish high school. I’m starting to live out my third goal now, which is to get into scripts and go back to shooting these movies. My grandmother tells me that at the end of the day all we have are memories. I’m trying to make great ones.
Full Article Here


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