Monday, January 19, 2009

Meet Terry Richardson

According to fellow photographer Sam Abell, "photography is at its pinnacle when it 1. informs and 2. moves the viewer." Pictures able to do both can then transcend the context in which they were taken, and become eternal. Terry Richardson has the ability to create such images. His photography is often times simple, yet austoundingly complex, mixing shock with curiosity to move his viewer. The inappropriateness of his work is overshadowed by the realities they portray, by illuminating images of society that we all do not choose to volunteeringly see. Sometimes stumbling upon a Terry Richardson photo is like walking in on your parents going at it. You wont always be glad you saw it, but you will be more informed. When other critics refer to Richardson they speak in regards to his relevency to his generation. Richardson has done campaigns for GQ & Vogue, while also photographing such contemporary figures as Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio and Pharrell Williams. He also has published a selection of books ranging from his 1998 work Hysteric Glamour to his most recent project, Terryworld 25th Anniversary Edition. Simply put, Terry Richardson is doin it.

More information on Terry at his sight here


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